In Robotools robotic devices we know that to be on the market and to grow to be innovative is a necessity, so we welcome feedback and suggestions fron our clients.
The power of creative innovation is at the core of all our activities. To stimulate this innovative strength we value creativity in all aspects of our processes.
It is unbelievable how a client’s necessity, request, desire or just a talk can open you wide horizons and give ideas for new projects, even in a totally different field.
This has been acquired over many years by our partners , in areas such as ceramics, metallurgy, food, packaging and developed by Robotools.
Our new latest components
Robotools robotic devices.
A new tool changer with mechanical safety devices.This component has been designed at the request of one of our customers who had lost some grippers owing to a defective electro-valve. We knew, on that occasion, that this problem is standard to all tool changer manufacturers.
Someone did nothing, whereas someone else used sensors with a special configuration. Real safety, however, is obtained only through a mechanical system.
So even if we are not the biggest company on the market, in nearly two weeks we studied and built the first tool changer in the market with mechanical total safety devices.
These can be integrated in the tool changers as a single unit or as separate components.

Total security system tool chagner modular type

Total security system tool changer standard type D
Robotools robotic devices.
In partnership with a client we designed and built an electrically operated tool changer up to a 400 kg payload.

Tool charger D160 ELETTRO
Robotools robotic devices.
Mini tool changer inox made for food industry. Fit on robot Universal Robot.

D40 Inox food industry
Robotools robotic devices.
Compensating group for electric motors or other different tools. Possibility in 2 level of compensation or totally rigid.

Compensating for electric motors 1